"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." Ecclesiastes 8:15

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Aria Grace: Three Months

Well, sweet girl, I would say that we have rounded a corner, and life is great!  You have always been an incredibly sweet baby but between your tummy (which made you very fussy), being sick (understandably not yourself), and going back to work (you just wanted Mom and let everyone know it!) there were times it was a little rough.  But the last couple of weeks have been awesome!  

Happy Valentine's Day!

Weight: 14 lbs 6 oz (93rd percentile)
Height: 24 1/4 inches (85th percentile)

(Side note....At 3 months, Lyle weighed 16lbs 12 oz and was 25 1/2 in.  What a chunk! LOL)

Wearing size 6 month clothes.

Sleep-  We've gone a little backwards in this department.  Lately you've been getting up around 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. to eat.  Typically you are up with me while I get ready in the morning, then fall asleep in your carseat on the way to work.  Usually you will take a good little nap in your car seat until 9 or 10.  Then you take cat-naps in your bouncy seat or swing the rest of the day.  Last month the only way you would fall asleep was putting you in my wrap and walking you around.  Now I snuggle you with a blanket, give you your pacifier, and you will go right to sleep!  It is wonderful.  And makes work a million times easier!

A quick snooze outside on a beautiful day

Eating-  Still breastfeeding and doing great!  Eating about every three hours.  There's been a couple of days Gigi has come to babysit you and you took a bottle pretty well.  

Likes-  You LOVE your brother.  He can always get a smile out of you, and if he is near you listen to his voice and watch whatever he does.  You take your pacifier well, like to be snuggled with blankets, and don't mind your carseat.  You still love your swing, but also love to play and kick around on a blanket on the floor.  Your bouncy seat and play mat have animals that hang down and you have the absolute best conversations with them!  

Dislikes- Now that we are no longer sick, you are a pretty happy baby most of the time.  For a while there you turned into quite the mama's-girl, and no one else would quite do.  There are times at work, if I am busy with a patient and someone else has you, you put up a bit of a fuss.  But you are getting much better and quicker at calming back down.

Fun Firsts- You have started smiling this month and it the BEST!  If someone smiles at you, the biggest grin comes on your face.  And it is so contagious!  You needed your first round of antibiotics after big brother shared his cold, but you did awesome with your medicine.

Lovin on Auntie Koko
Lyle Update: His latest thing to say in a sweet high pitched voice..."Awwww...she's so cuuute." LOL. I love it.  
Conversations with Great Grandma Glenda
Each new development and milestone is so much fun.  Looking forward to what this next month will bring!

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