"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." Ecclesiastes 8:15

Monday, April 14, 2014

Life is FUN

We have been having a blast lately.  It seems like April is always filled with lots of fun (even if that means it's also a little crazy and busy!)  Here is our last week or so in iPhone pictures.

Driving the gator out on the farm.  His favorite places to drive are out to the pond or to feed the goats!

 This might be one of my most favorite pictures ever.

At the Wichita State track meet on Friday night watching our cousin Chase throw javelin.  It was a gorgeous night... even though we were out way past our bedtime!   

We even had kettle corn and New Year's cookies from the MCC sale to munch on!  Papa and Grammy were great at keeping Lyle entertained!

Birthday party time!  Riding her new bike!

 Selfies with my nephew!  

 Birthday fun with Gigi!

 Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Birthday Candles.  She shares a birthday with her Daddy!  Happy 3rd Birthday sweet girl!

 Waving palm branches at church

 Sitting so nicely while the other kids sang!  Side note...can you see the girl in the front hitting her sister in the face with her palm branch?? BAH! That is why everyone loves when the kids go up front!!!

And....snow this morning.  It was honestly 85 degrees on Saturday.  

Our next couple weeks include making and serving food at an auction as a fundraiser for the preschool, celebrating Easter, and getting ready to party for Lyle's 2nd birthday!  Woo-hoo!


  1. Your son is TOO cute!! And waving the palm branches on palm Sunday? Love it :) :)

    1. Oh thank you! That was a pretty proud mama moment! :)
