"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun." Ecclesiastes 8:15

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Aria Grace: One Year

A entire year has passed since that sweet morning you were born.  A year that you fit perfectly into our family.

With your first birthday arriving, I can't help but look back at where we were a year ago.  Your mama was hugely pregnant, tired, and so excited to finally meet you.  A little more relaxed knowing that we had a scheduled date and plan for you to come, but still unable to sleep in anticipation.  I have such a vivid memory of hearing your first cry, listening to all the doctors and nurses laughing at how big you were, and laying my eyes on you for the first time.  It was so precious. 

And here we are a year later, celebrating milestones and showing off new skills.  You have a very sweet personality (but definitely let us know what you want) and are a mama's girl through-and-through.  Here's a little bit of what you've been up to lately. 


weight:  after day 5 of the stomach flu, you were down to 18 pounds 12 oz.  I'm hoping you've gained a bit of that back!
length: 29 1/2 in.


Eating- You love to eat and have a great appetite!  You are starting to notice what is on everyone else's plate at the supper table.  If your food does not look the same, you get pretty insistent that you want what everyone else is having!  That includes not wanting your food cut up-you'd rather tear bites off with your teeth yourself!  Fruit is still at the top of your favorite list, along with graham crackers and puffs.  You have also developed the loudest ear-peircing shriek if we are not fast enough getting you food (or if I walk into the other room for that matter!)  Patience and waiting are not your best skills at the moment. 

You are still nursing, but we are down to a couple sessions a day.  During this time you will nurse for 30 seconds, then sit up and look around, then repeat.  My freezer stash of milk ran out and we tried to give you a bit of formula, but you hated it!  You've gotten a little whole milk here and there, and do okay with it, but won't drink more than an ounce or so at a time.  Hopefully you will catch on to that soon, because after a year, I'm throwing my pump out the window!  I will nurse you as long as you want (well, within reason) but I am soo ready to be done pumping!

Sleeping- It's hard to say for sure, since you spent a decent amount of this month sick.  You are sleeping longer pretty consistenly, just needing an early morning nursing session at the most.  You still take your pacifier to sleep, and take a morning and afternoon nap.  You might be the easiest baby to lay down to sleep, and for that I am thankful!  Once we give you your pacifier, we lay you down and you go right to sleep!

Likes- You love music!  Anytime you hear a song, you will start dancing!  You like to look at books, throw things out of baskets, play with Lyle's cars, and tear up paper.  You love to be tickled and play peek-a-boo.  You also love being chased!

Milestones- You have learned to blow kisses and it is the sweetest thing ever.  You wave hello and bye-bye, say: Mama, Dada, and your version of Lyle.  You will sign: more (which also is the sign you use when you see something you want), please, and all-done.  This month you also started to respond to our questions by shaking your head yes or no.  We will ask you if you want to go night-night if you are getting fussy, and you will nod your head yes, so we will put you to bed.  You completely know what you answering!  It is pretty crazy.  You also learned "uh-oh" this month and say it whenever you drop something.  It's turning into a game now of dropping things off of your high-chair on purpose.


Fun Firsts- We celebrated Thanksgiving with family, and you survived your first night without Mama (while I was at a work training out of town). 

Lyle Update: You and your brother are still great friends!  Your face lights up when you see him, and he is so sweet and tolerant of you.  You love to help wake him up in the mornings, and climb all over him. 

Happy 1st Birthday Aria Grace!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to our beautiful Aria Grace! You are a gift :-)
